Managing Business Deals

Management of business deals goes beyond than just making sales It’s about ensuring each deal is financially beneficial for both parties. It’s essential to minimize risk and avoid deals that could be costly over the long term for your company, either through a decrease in brand recognition or capturing low profit margins.

To make smart decisions during every step of a deal, your team requires access to all the right information. It is essential to use revenue management software that is able to convert your data into context-specific notifications. Alerts on the Revenue Grid let you know when a new step is added to an opportunity, when an email sequence is failing and when a deal has been dropped–all of which help ensure your reps are taking appropriate actions at the right time.

The right information will also allow you to build trust and confidence with your clients in negotiations. Be attentive to any hesitations or worries in their conversations and feel their pain so that you can address their needs, demonstrate how your solution is better suited and make an ideal win-win situation. You should also think about your own needs when negotiating to balance short-term benefits with future ones. To do this, try making use of offers that have distinct terms, but with the same overall value. This is known as Multiple Equivalent Simultaneous Offers (or MESO). By writing a contract outline with your objectives in mind it is less likely to fall victim of extreme edits which could decrease the value of a bargain.


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